Innovating for a greener tomorrow.

Beige Brown Aesthetic Scrapbook Style Photo Collage  (4)-2

We are bow futurologists...

We're taking our commitment to both the environment and our cheer-fam to new heights with our RE-BOW, RE-LOVE, RE-CYCLE project...

Join us in recycling and repurposing cheer bows, reducing waste, and creating a stronger sense of unity. We're providing 'Reloved Bins' to gyms, each with a unique QR code for sharing memorable bow stories. We respect your privacy, especially for younger participants, ensuring anonymity until you're ready to reveal your story.


Want in? Let us know you are interested in a recycle container in your gym, and we will set the wheel in motion! Recycle your bows with us, and discover how they can find new life and new stories in the cheer community. Plus, we'll even guide you to the nearest recycling facility through our orders, as more facilities pop up. Together, let's make every bow a symbol of unity and eco-friendliness. 🎀🌏


Together, let's transform 'old' bows into new cherished keepsakes - while reducing waste and build a stronger league of cheerleaders!

As part of our commitment to a greener future, we're excited to introduce our bow 'Recycling Bins' to our cheer fam, working closely with cheer gym owners to provide them re-loved bow bins. These bins are planned to come equipped with a QR code that links to a form, allowing you to share your bow's story and connection to positive moments. A teeny, tiny piece of these bows will be discretely integrated into our new bows as a unique signature to our brand, but also as means to connect cheerleader's with a piece of each other's journey. This aims to transform bows into even more cherished keepsakes, all while reducing waste and fostering a community.