Hero Wall of our 'Fame-ily'

Let's Unite! Unleash! Uplift! Upstage!

Welcome to our League of Everyday Legends: Hero Wall of Our 'Fame-ily'! Here, we celebrate the real-life superheroes within our Cheer Bows Australia community. From spirited cheerleaders achieving their goals to dedicated coaches inspiring others, this wall honors the remarkable achievements and contributions of our customers-turned-legends. Each story represents a unique journey of passion, perseverance, and triumph, inspiring others to reach for their dreams and make a difference in the world. Join us in celebrating the extraordinary individuals who embody the spirit of cheerleading and empower others to shine bright. Together, we're building a legacy of greatness, one bow at a time.

  • Learn more About Us?
  • Join Us in Our Adventures?
  • Our Hero Profiles?

Are you ready to unleash your highest, super, ‘full-out’ potential and cheerleading experience?! Let's combine forces, and build the league of our everyday legends!

Playfully inspired by childhood superheroes and their transformative sequences, we've unleashed a brand that celebrates the power of cheerleading as a 'super(cheer)hero' journey. At Cheer Bows Australia (CBAu), we offer tailored, athletic-enduring cheer bows and accessories that match your superhuman performance.

Our goal is to create a supportive environment where every athlete feels valued and empowered.  So. Whether you're a seasoned cheerleader or just starting out, we invite you to join us on this journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and community building!

 Regardless of what you're studying, whether you're leading a business, you're perfecting cheer moves, or nurturing your relationships, always remember: you're stronger than you think, and together, we're unstoppable! Together, let's defy norms, break barriers, and inspire greatness in ourselves and others. So, go ahead, join our mail updates (next tab across!), explore our website, discover our products, and join our 'super' movement!


Dark Orange and White Minimalist Movie Trailer YouTube Thumbnail (2)


Unleash your inner hero profile with your first bow order!



Get your QR code scanner ready because with your first order, you'll receive your official invitation to our super  'fame-ily'  league. Yep- literally our place of acknowledgement for our CBAU Family (and their super step in joining us!), where your order unlocks the gateway to your very own super(cheer)hero ID (and with it, your own profile option). Make it as fun and quirky as you like! It's like stepping into your very own Hall of Fame, but with pom-poms and bows, so we need your help to fill our merry walls superfam, as you can see, they’re still waiting to be revealed! Your super-cheer-hero-ID is your chance to shine, to showcase your secret creative powers, and your flair for the extraordinary. 

           But hold up!-

  1.  Before you start crafting your heroic persona, remember, Sailor Sun and Tuxedo Mask, our guardians of cheer-tiquette, are keeping a watchful eye. So, let's keep it appropriate,  light-hearted,  and most importantly, keep it super fun!

    And hey!- 

  2. No need to spill all your secrets—let's keep those personal deets under lock and key. After all, we want to protect your everyday identity like a superhero protects their own secret lair, too.

    But other than that!-

  3. We like to think of our ID profiles as your own personal cheer evolution. It's all about bridging the gap between your everyday self and your inner cheer superhero. Because let's face it, we've all got a little bit of Warrior Solara or Titan Riku inside us, just waiting to be unleashed! And as we cheer each other on, we're reminded that together, we're unstoppable if we keep bow-lieving.

 Let us deal with the easy Bow stuff now, while you go off and do The real cheer job -just be you. (2000 x 300 px) (1500 x 400 px) (3000 x 2000 px) (5000 x 1050 px) (5000 x 1050 px)-1