BOW-ERFUL TLC: Tender Loving Care 

Caring for your cheer bows?


Check out our craftsmanship that stands tall and proud! Our cheer bows are like warriors, ready for countless performances, but even they need a little pampering to maintain their tip-top bow shape - just like their trusted athletes. Don’t worry though, we've got you covered with these simple TLC Bow-care tips below to ensure your cheer bow continues to shine as brightly as we intended!

And hey, if you happen to spot any unexpected defects - maybe due to shipping, handling, or the whims of fate - don’t hesitate to reach out. We're here to lend a helping hand wherever possible.


ATTACHING: How to attach your bow to your hair?

⫸Before adding your bow, style your hair using a separate hair tie and any preferred products. Our bows simply serve as the perfect finishing touch to your hairstyle.

  • Avoid using the bow's elastic to hold your hair up - instead, secure your hair with 1-2 elastics (depending on the sheer extravagance of your mane) before attaching the bow. Then wrap the bow elastic around 2-3 times (depending on thickness of attachment site) - JUST ENOUGH TO SECURE! - being careful not to over-strain the bow's elastic more than necessary (and increase its life) . We then recommend adding a final hair elastic to lock the bow in place, ready for rigors of your routine.

⫸Avoid getting hairspray on the rhinestones to maintain their shimmer. If they do become dull, gently wipe them with a damp cloth using lukewarm water only.

⫸Ensure your bow is worn right side up if it's tailless! This guarantees proper placement and fit. Unsure which way is up? Check your design! The edge of the bow should face inward at the top.


CLEANING: If your bow gets dirty?

⫸ Do not put your bow in the washing machine. Refrain from submerging/dipping your bows in water fully. Do not use any harsh cleaning products, bleach or regular liquid soaps.

  • Instead, use a damp (not wet) cloth to gently dab over the affected area and/or over the dulled surface. We recommend testing a small corner first to ensure it won't damage the design - especially if you have opted for a more complex one.

WHAT ABOUT SCRUNCHIES? If your scrunchie needs cleaning, wash it by hand in luke-warm water using a gentle, skin-friendly detergent - and hang it to dry out of the sun - to avoid fading.


STORAGE: When storing your bow?

⫸ Avoid tossing it into the bottom of your cheer bag or hanging it on your backpack (even though it’s hard, because that cheer pride is s-t-r-o-n-g!). I meeeaaan - we are looking for a long time... not just a bow time.

  • Instead, opt for a solid container like a Tupperware, ensuring it's larger than the bow on all sides. To prevent flattening during storage (gravity still exists, duh!), place tissue paper in the bunny ears of your bow - it’ll work wonders!
  • Keep on the look out for our ‘coming soon’ bow box, where the bow is securely locked in, preventing it from getting crushed or dirty, thus maintaining its brand-new appearance!

FIXING: how to fix a broken hair tie elastic?

⫸Hair elastics may stretch out or break over time, which is why we can't guarantee them for the same life of the bow. Mind you, we stress test each elastic, prior to attaching them to your bows, to ensure its strength during the bow-making process!

  • NOTE OUR hair ties passed the supplier’s tough 10kg pull test with flying colours... In terms of your hair elastics, currently, our default choice for your bows is the improved 'Elastics Strong - All Hair' range from Scunci Hair Accessories Australia. Their recent upgrades make them 2X stronger than before, features reinforced glue points, and a switch to sturdy polyblend material, these elastics have passed rigorous tests for strength and longevity! (see for yourself on our suppliers website: )

⫸If your elastic does break, utilize our simple, fail-safe ‘mechanism’ integrated into your bow design. Need assistance? We're just a message away to help!

  • NOTE OUR back-up hair-tie replacement spot... While we are always on the lookout for improving our materials and practices, we have also integrated a backup mechanism for unavoidable emergency replacement mishaps, or even adding your favorite hair ties as needed. Finally, you can enjoy strength and style without worry, knowing a backup mechanism teammate is always ready to engage if needed.